Thursday, March 1, 2012

project summary

This project helped me to learn patience. After building this chair and attempting to improve my ability at perspective drawing, I had to become a very patient person. I learned how to manipulate cardboard, think about more than aesthetics and focus on durability and how to construct something. Never in my life have I “built” a piece of furniture so this was definitely a new and challenging obstacle for me.
The most difficult part of this project was thinking of ways to get the chair to support me. I had to keep adding and adding layers to the chair and figuring out the most practical way to get this thing to hold me up and not crumble to the ground. After I finally thought I had succeeded, I sat on my chair and the center buckled and slightly caved in; this was an ongoing issue for me.
If I could change something, I would have put more time on the aesthetics of my chair; I spent all my time and focus on the durability that I didn’t leave much time left for the details. 
Overall, even though this was a stressful project, I enjoyed it. It was fun doing something that wouldn’t normally do and I like how we got to use SketchUp for the final drawings. I feel like I actually learned a lot from this assignment.