Thursday, September 22, 2011

IDEO Video Response


"Fail often in order to succeed sooner," is a quote that stood out to me. It reminds us that it's alright to make mistakes and a little trial and error is good. The owner of IDEO said that he believes fresh ideas come faster in a fun place and wild ideas are encouraged. Here, people are respected based on how good their ideas are, not by seniority (there is no hierarchy). Everyone there works together, sharing ideas and does not judge. The key is finding experts so that you can learn quickly instead of by yourself. You should do one project at a time, stay on task and build ideas off of others. In the video, "The deep dive" refers to the total emersion of the problem at hand. I think this is a really good term and it accurately describes their work style.

Monday, September 12, 2011

According to the creative problem solving profile we did in lecture today, my top 2 categories are "generating" and "conceptualization"then "evaluation and finally, thinking. I'd say these are pretty accurate.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I'm not so good at this whole sketching thing. 
I'd rather be photographing, but at least this is a good challenge :]
I just hope I continue to improve!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

why my object has good design

    I believe my skeleton key has good design because it is unobtrusive, aesthetic, long lasting, and         understandable.
    It is unobtrusive because, it is a very simple item, the user does not need to add anything to it or make any changes. It is aesthetic in that is visually appealing; most keys today are “cookie cutter”, they all look the same and have similar design. This one is vintage and unique. My object is long lasting because it is made of a very sturdy metal and is meant to last for a lengthy amount of time. As a key, it is meant to serve a utility purpose. Finally, it is understandable because it serves a very common function that hopefully everyone can figure out.

    In conclusion, I think my class object possess good design and will prove to be a successful one.