Monday, November 21, 2011


This project required a lot of work, but was enjoyable. Our group constructed 7 letters to create the word “SUPPORT” and we chose to place them in Lippincott Hall. This location worked for us because we chose to decorate each letter as a different form of support-emotional support rather than the obvious physical support. Lippincott is the study abroad office and is known for being the hub of multicultural experiences and people. We figured this was appropriate because we liked the idea of supporting each other and our differences across different cultures, as well as worldwide issues like the ones we represented on our letters such as supporting the troops, breast cancer, aids, etc. This project proved to be successful and everyone seemed to like our location and the decoration of the letters.


I like the part that says, “A great deal of our information about our world comes from these images…” I completely agree. This relates to the method of documenting our process and the end result of our project in that we can refer back to these images. Looking back reminds us of what and how we did things and it shows how our thoughts progressed. This allows us to learn from experience.

From this essay, I learned that photographs are and will always be a major part of our lives. Nothing documents or expresses like a photograph. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

This project taught me the importance of teamwork. Without my group members, we couldn’t have gotten anything accomplished. It is very important that everyone contribute to the group and work together. I learned you have to work really hard if you want to succeed in this type of career.

I liked that we were able to be more creative with the project and got the chance to let our work stand out. It was a fun change to build the letters and do a new kind of assignment, especially one that I’ve never done anything like before.

We didn’t come across many difficulties; however, the rain on Monday definitely caused a disruption in our location choice. We originally wanted to have our letters wrapped around a tree outside the Spencer or stacked up against the statue outside of the Alumni Center, but I think the final location inside Lippincott proved to be successful. This showed us that you always have to think on your toes and be prepared for anything. It was also a ton of work getting the letters cut out and trying to make them appear perfect; this assignment forced me to improve my cutting skills with the xacto knife.

Overall, everything turned out and we fixed any minor problems that occurred. We chose a new location, worked well with our group members, and improved our craft skills. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I think the construction of our word contributed to the meaning of the word in that they were large and bulky and required support from each other. Each letter was then decorated to match a color from a type of emotional support such as cancer, disease, etc.

The placement of our word showed the idea of support because we chose Lippincott Hall, the study abroad office. This was appropriate because it meant us supporting each other and our differences across a multicultural plane. These causes/illnesses can occur anywhere and we want to support everyone.

The photos of our word help reinforce this idea as well. We placed them stacked up along a column inside Fraser, each letter supporting itself on top of another while also leaning against the very thing that supports the entire building. We also chose to photograph ourselves supporting the letters and to have the letters sitting under the statue of the 2 men outside Lippincott.

All of these aspects contributed to the meaning of our word because they maintain the idea of support and the act of supporting and helping others.